JFC-180 BB (Black Box)

The JFC-180 is an innovative, blackbox echo sounder which is capable of displaying 4 different frequencies at the same time, providing the operator greatly enhanced fish detection. It is easier to differentiate between the various fish species, large shoals of fish and the seabed, resulting in better targeted catches and contributing to conservation of fish stocks. You can select four frequencies within the range of broadband transducer. Flexible selection of frequencies by 0.1 kHz step enables the user to stay away from interference with the sounders on other vessels. Users can zoom by any range. After setting the zoom image, the normal image is indicated above and the zoomed image is displayed at the bottom part of the screen. The example on the right is focussed from the sea bottom, showing the depth upwards, which is especially useful for trawler vessels.



The JFC-800/810 all-in-one echo sounder utilizes a rugged 10.4-inch bonded and sunlight viewable display, offering advanced filtering capabilities using digital signal processing technology to ultimately provide a clear image and allow for deeper sounding at higher frequencies. The superior clutter suppression and signal to noise ratio and faster update rates allow for excellent performance in shallow water, while it also detects fish close to the bottom at depths not seen before with these high frequency transducers. The affordable 1 kW echo sounder equals or exceeds the performance of conventional sounders with 3x the power output. The echo sounder is available in two models. The JFC-800 is the standard model and includes a cost effective transducer. The JFC-810 features a higher sensitivity transducer. The preferred transducer depends on target fish, fishing method, fishing area and usage. The JFC-800/810 allows the operator to switch between English, Japanese, Chinese, French, Greek, Italian, Korean, Spanish and Thai.



The JFE-380 echo sounder continues the tradition of enhanced depth data technology resulting in highly accurate and reliable read-out functionality. JRC’s enhanced depth data technology has three central presentation modes, i.e. standard, history and docking. Both standard and docking mode provides a wide range of information. This is stored in the memory for up to 24 hours. The history mode allows you to retrieve all memorized depth data to provide complete feedback. JRC’s new echo sounder incorporates a 6.5-inch high visibility color TFT display. The innovative display modes allow you to select and view echoes in 8 colors or 8 levels of monochrome. Additionally, the size-reduced JFE-380 echo sounder incorporates printer adaptability, providing the ship’s log with valuable printouts if required. The compact connection box can be installed out of sight. An optional dual frequency configuration, 50 kHz and 200 kHz, allows you to operate both frequencies independently or simultaneously, or allows you to have a separate bow-stern depth read-out.



The JLN-205MK2 is a stable and highly accurate measurement tool to ensure stable speed data utilizing high frequencies ultrasonic waves. The unit incorporates many display modes readily available on a highly visible 4.5-inch LCD display. Besides the display being fully dimmable and having backlit keys, it features dual LED backlight (white and orange), making it easy to operate in various light settings on the bridge. Multiple display modes are available from the menu with main data displayed in large characters for easy reading. You can easily switch at your own convenience, particularly useful when a situation requires specific information. The transducer is compact and constructed of light weight moulded rubber, to minimize the effects on aeration, which allows stable and accurate operation. Using an optional gate valve transducer allows for long-term cost saving and easy maintenance as dry docking is not necessary. An ultrasonic beam is transmitted in fore and aft directions. At the same time, the hull motions such as rolling and pitching are detected and removed by simply measuring the difference of the Doppler shift reception signal, ensuring accurate and stable speed data, even in the roughest conditions.



The JLN-720 satellite log provides accurate ship speed and distance right with your fingertip operation. Regardless of weather conditions, the system is capable of providing accurate speed up to an amazing 0.02kn or 0.2% all over the world using JRC’s proven GPS compass technology. On the bridge the system is operated on a color LCD display with touch panel, providing clear and straightforward information. The processor is built into the antenna which eliminates alignment between antenna and processor, therefore contributing to an easy setup with less error and significantly reduced installation time. This concept also reduces the installation costs as only a single cable is used between antenna and processor unit. Should something interfere with the coverage, the proven antenna design incorporates a layer of air that reduces possible blind spots, allowing for a more precise speed than conventional systems.



The JLN-741A series is a single axis water SDME compliant with the IMO MSC.96 (72) standard, required on all internationally voyaging ships exceeding 300 GT. Boasting never-before-seen accuracy for speed measurement, the JLN-740 is also installed with our company’s proprietary bubble detection function, which informs you when measurement accuracy is impaired due to air bubble contact. The JLN-741A series utilizes digital signal processing, which, coupled with optimizations to existing speed measurement waveforms and the reliability of ship bottom mounting, has resulted in water speed measurement with accuracy up to 0.03kn or 0.3% in all models (measured at fixed speeds). That accuracy of information allows for highly fuel-efficient speeds, which means faster voyages with less waste. Along with improved speed measurements, the series also has greatly improved ship speed tracking, relaying all the information you need for precise navigation during berthing. A long-unsolvable problem with doppler-based water speed measuring systems was reduced accuracy from bubbles making contact with the measuring device on the bottom of the vessel. The JLN-741N series detects when bubbles contact the transducer, and using roprietary technology from JRC alerts you of reduced measuring accuracy via the display. Confirming the source of the issue typically requires visually examining the device on the bottom of the ship. However, onboard air bubble detection allows you to skip unnecessary preventive maintenance.



The JLN-741N is a cost-effective doppler speed log with a 4.5-inch display with the main data displayed in large characters of easy reading. In addition that the display is fully dimmable and has backlit keys, it features dual LED backlight (white and orange) making it easy to operate in various light settings on the bridge. The JLN-741N is a single axis water SDME compliant with the IMO MSC.96 (72) standard, required on all internationally voyaging ships exceeding 300 GT. Boasting never-before-seen accuracy for speed measurement, the JLN-741N is also installed with our company’s proprietary bubble detection function, which informs you when measurement accuracy is impaired due to air bubble contact. A long-unsolvable problem with doppler-based water speed measuring systems was reduced accuracy from bubbles making contact with the measuring device on the bottom of the vessel. The JLN-741N series detects when bubbles contact the transducer, and using roprietary technology from JRC alerts you of reduced measuring accuracy via the display. Confirming the source of the issue typically requires visually examining the device on the bottom of the ship. However, onboard air bubble detection allows you to skip unnecessary preventive maintenance.



A preamplifier is built into the sensor for stable and long-distance transmission (max.300m long) of the current signal. The EML500 can receive a backup signal(NMEA-0183) from external speed sensors such as a GPS receiver. A dual-axis sensor (optional) measures a ship's transverse speed as well as its longitudinal speed.



The em-trak A200 AIS Class A sets new standards of performance, functionality and reliability. As a single, fully integrated Class A transceiver, the A200 is easily installed and configured with dual NMEA2000 and NMEA0183 connectivity allowing plug & play integration with other bridge systems. The hi-resolution full-colour display delivers a range of powerful functionality, including full CMAP ENC charting, multiple text and graphic display modes, AIS target management, proximity alerts, MOB/SAR alert and tracking and much more. Despite its unmatched performance and functionality, the A200 is ruggedized being completely water, weather and vibration proof such that it will operate reliably for years without maintenance in even the most extreme marine environments. The A200 is engineered and built for commercial users who rely on their AIS Class A day after day for their safety, security and operational efficiency



The JLR-7500/JLR-7800 (D)GPS navigator will locate your position accurately and gives you a wide range of possibilities. Integrated with the latest technologies. That will enhance your operational performance. Of the new display modes is the 3D highway, which allows you to intuitively view the location of the next waypoint. This 3D guidance is particularly valuable to follow a real-time chain of waypoints along a planned route. The new (D)GPS navigator allows you to plan long distance routes highly effective. It is possible to set Rhumb lines (RL) for short legs, while Great Circle (GC) can be set for the long distance legs. All possible within the same route. Simply make your selection for each leg to reach your destination effortlessly. All information is displayed on a highly visible 5.7-inch LCD display, featuring added sharpness and contrast compared to the previous version. Many display modes are readily available and selectable from the menu, such as navigation, CDI, highway, track plotting and service and information screens. The display has four dim modes, allowing adjusting at your own convenience.
