The Sanshin Daylight Lamp SPS-10A is perfect fit for your vessel. It is a legal requirement for all vessels used in international navigation inexcess of 150 tons gross weight, as specified in "Safety of Life at Sea" (SOLAS). Ministry of transport approved. Main Characteristics: - Signal operation is simplified. Moreover transmission rate of 12 wards per minute can be achieved. - Special halogen lamp is used getting long life and stable luminous flux. - The weight of lamp housing is very light using aluminum material. - Neutral filter and color filter can attach very easy.



The Francis FSP127 Aldis Lamp fulfils the requirements of the Solas (1997) Regulations, which states that all ships of over 150 tons gross tonnage, when engaged on International voyages, shall have onboard an efficient daylight signalling lamp which shall not be solely dependant upon the ship’s main source of electrical power. The 127mm (5") handheld signalling light can be used on all vessels, for ship to ship signalling using Morse Code. The light is of aluminium, lightweight construction and is fully waterproofed. If desired this unit can be used as a spotlight if the signalling trigger and lamp switch are both left on. The Francis Signalling Lantern is approved by the All Dimensions in Millimeters UK Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA.) Does not include filters, bulbs, charger, storage box or battery. The Aldis Lamp is supplied by 12v or 24v power depending on which bulb you are using.


Smartfind E8/G8

McMurdo SmartFind EPIRBs include innovation as standard with ruggedized base, easy service battery, MEOSAR compatibility and compliance with the new United States Coast Guard emergency hands free transport mandate. The additional false activation protection and multiple self-tests also offer total user confidence. Coupled with an unparalleled marine heritage, commitment to quality and a history of innovation, customers know they can trust McMurdo when their lives are at risk. SmartFind E8 Auto-Housing A fully protective, spring-loaded enclosure, the auto-housing automatically deploys and activates the EPIRB when it is submerged between 1 - 4m. The SmartFind E8 automatic release-housing incorporates fixing points which ensure previous McMurdo auto-housing units can be retrofitted with minimum impact when upgrading your vessels EPIRB.


Tron SART20

Jotron’s Tron SART20 is designed for use in search and rescue operations and gives the exact location of the distressed indicated on the radar X-band display of any nearby ships, SAR vessels and aircrafts. Tron SART20 GMDSS 9ghz search and rescue radar transponder complies with IMO/SOLAS/GMDSS regulations and is MED and FCC approved. Tron SART20 and Tron AIS-SART can both be used as “search and rescue locating devices” according to IMO SOLAS Amendment in Resolution MSC.256(84) giving the ship owner freedom to choose either product as required by SOLAS Chapter III, Regulation 2.2.



The unique and innovative feature of the Tron AIS SART is the combination of its physical size and technical capability. The housing of the Tron AIS SART is identical to Jotron´s Radar-SART, type Tron SART20, – that is a total height of 251 mm and a weight of only 450g. Technically, the Tron AIS SART is based on the following principals; the unit will be programmed from the manufacturer with a unique ID code and receives its position via an internal GPS antenna. This data is combined and transmitted using the international AIS channels (AIS A and AIS B) in the maritime VHF band. Tron AIS-SART GMDSS search and rescue transmitter is “Wheel Marked” in accordance with European Council Directive 96/98/EC with latest Commission Directive 2011/75/EU (7th amendement). Tron AIS-SART and Tron SART20 can both be used as “search and rescue locating devices” according to IMO SOLAS Amendment in Resolution MSC.256(84) giving the ship owner freedom to choose either product as required by SOLAS Chapter III, Regulation 2.2.


SmartFind S5A AIS SART

Stored in a quick release carry off bag, the rugged McMurdo SmartFind S5 AIS SART is buoyant and waterproof to a depth of 10m. When activated, the SmartFind S5 transmits an alert message along with your ID number and current GPS location which will trigger an alarm on all AIS equipped vessels within VHF range. The inbuilt GPS provides accurate location information to rescuers enabling them to quickly locate you. The non-hazardous battery has a six year storage life and enables the SmartFind S5 to transmit continuously for in excess of 96 hours. The McMurdo SmartFind S5 AIS SART is easy to operate and deploy and the high visibility buoyant carry off bag can be wall mounted or packed inside the survival craft. It features a shoulder strap making it easy to carry in the event of an emergency evacuation.


Tron 60S

Small, compact and tamper proof GMDSS EPIRB. Tron 60S auto is a compact handheld size will be a perfect supplement to meet the growing demand for smaller size EPIRB`s. Complies to IMO, SOLAS regulation. Optimal visibility is achieved with high-intensity LED, located at the top of the antenna. Totally sealed and with 5 years warranty are among some of the unique features Jotron offer this latest innovated EPIRB. With this handheld size Tron 60S auto, Jotron will be able to meet all segments of sailing vessels, from commercial vessels, fishing vessel and recreational boaters. JRC Brasil is one of the very few companies, worldwide, that has been capable, audited and authorized to perform SBM tests for Jotron EPIRBs.



A lâmpada Aldis fabricada pela Sanshin, modelo SPS-10A, e comercializado pela JRC Brasil, é perfeito para o seu navio. É um requisito legal para todos os navios, acima de 150 toneladas de peso bruto, conforme especificado em "Segurança da vida no mar" (SOLAS). Ministério dos transportes aprovado. Características principais: - Operação de sinal simplificada. Além disso, taxa de transmissão de 12 wards por minuto pode ser conseguida. - Lâmpada halógena especial é usada para obter vida longa e fluxo luminoso estável. - O peso do compartimento da lâmpada é muito leve usando material de alumínio. - O filtro neutro e o filtro de cores podem ser anexados com muita facilidade.



A lâmpada aldis, fabricada pela Francis, modelo FSP127 Aldis, e comercializada pela JRC Brasil, atende aos requisitos do Regulamento Solas (1997), que afirma que todos os navios com tonelagem bruta maiores do que 150 toneladas, quando envolvidos em viagens internacionais, devem ter a bordo uma lâmpada de sinalização eficiente, que não dependerá apenas da principal fonte de energia elétrica do navio. A luz de sinalização portátil de 127 mm (5 ") pode ser usada em todas as embarcações, para sinalização navio a navio usando o Código Morse. A luz é de alumínio, com construção leve e é totalmente à prova de água. Se desejado, esta unidade pode ser usada como holofote, se o gatilho de sinalização e o interruptor da lâmpada permanecerem acesos. A lanterna de sinalização Francis é aprovada pela Agência de Proteção Marítima e Costeira do Reino Unido (MCA.) Não inclui filtros, lâmpadas, carregador, caixa de armazenamento ou bateria. A lâmpada Aldis é fornecida com energia de 12v ou 24v, dependendo da lâmpada que você estiver usando.


Tron 60S

Pequeno, compacto e inviolável GMDSS EPIRB. O Tron 60S auto é um tamanho portátil compacto, que será um complemento perfeito para atender à crescente demanda por EPIRBs de menor tamanho. Está em conformidade com o regulamento SOLAS da IMO. A visibilidade ideal é alcançada com o LED de alta intensidade, localizado na parte superior da antena. Totalmente selado e com 5 anos de garantia, estão entre algumas das características exclusivas que a Jotron oferece este mais recente EPIRB inovado. Com este tamanho portátil Tron 60S auto, a Jotron poderá atender a todos os segmentos de embarcações à vela, desde embarcações comerciais, embarcações de pesca e embarcações de recreio. A JRC Brasil é uma das poucas empresas, no mundo, capacitada, auditada e autorizada a performar teste de SBM para baterias de EPIRBs da Jotron.
