GPS week number rollover

To JRC Global Positioning System (GPS) users: We would like to announce that GPS week number rollover is to occur on some of our GPS’ on 17 August 2014.

The week number counter in GPS resets once every 1023 weeks, which is approximately 19.6 years. The week number counters for the GPS in the discontinued models below started their week count from the 1st January 1995. It is on the 17th August 2014 at 0:00 AM (UTC) that the week number counters rollover will occur. The subject models are designed not to turn the clock back 19.6 years, and will continue to work correctly under normal use.

However, please note that time and date will go back to the starting date above when a master-reset of equipment or a battery replacement is carried out. In this case, customers are required to configure the initial settings.